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6G mmWave/THz 통신 초정밀 측위∙센싱   원천기술 연구

한국연구재단 (2023 ~ 2027)

In this project, we develop technologies for channel information estimation, positioning, and sensing for source technologies available in 6G mmWave/THz communication networks and build an integrated cellular testbed.


KPS 항법 신호 설계 및 성능 분석

항공우주연구원 (2023 ~2025)

We comprehensively review the performance of KPS navigation signals and the latest GNSS signals. It is analyzed through factors such as correlation characteristics, multipath performance, acquisition and tracking performance, error correction performance and RF compatibility with other signals. Furthermore, it generates and analyzes the received signal.


5G NR 기반 지능형 오픈 스몰셀 기술 개발

한국전자통신연구원 (2022 ~ 2024)

​In this project, we estimate the location of UE using radio signals such as cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, PDR, etc. A localization algorithm that estimates the location by applying machine learning-based signal pattern-mathcing is studied.

재난현장 무선통신 추적기반 요구조자 및 소방관 위치정보시스템 개발.png

​전방 RADAR 표적 탐지 성능 향상 알고리즘 연구

한화시스템 (2022 ~ 2023 )

In this project, we research the algorithm that improves target detection performance in RADAR systems. It aims to reduce ground clutter effects based on space-time adaptive processing in forward-looking airborne RADAR.


무선 통신 기반 차량 협력측위 PoC

현대모비스 (2022 ~ 2023)

In this project, We research cooperative localization for precise positioning of autonomous vehicles, and implement and proof-of-concept a cooperative localization algorithm using UWB communication system.

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