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Welcome to the Wireless Systems Laboratory, we are investigating research problems in the area of wireless communication, sensing, localization and more. Those problems are handled with strong knowledge of probability, estimation, filtering, optimization etc. Recently, many of them are approached with machine learning techniques as well. If you are full of curiosity, adventurous and ambitious, we will be happy to offer a wide variety of research opportunities including attending international top conferences, working with international collaborators, participating government/industrial funded projects, and writing top journal articles. Please take a look at our research profile and join us!

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김선우 교수

한양대학교 융합전자공학부

서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 한양대학교, 04763

교수연구실: IT/BT관 817호 T) +82-2-2220-4823

학생연구실: 퓨전테크센터 516호

​행정실: IT/BT관 822호 T) +82-2-2220-4822

Professor Sunwoo Kim

Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Hanyang University

222 Wangsimri-ro Seongdong-gu Seoul Korea, 04763

T) +82-2-2220-4822

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